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Do You Care Tho

Let’s be honest…do you really care about building relationships with those around you? Do you really care about seeing them come to Christ if they aren’t already there? Are you encouraged to see others encouraged by what God is doing?


Are you so invested in yourself that you have not really paid attention to anyone else as long as you get what you want?

You may say that this is an extreme question, but we would say it would be extreme to act like this question never existed. One thing that many of us neglect to do is build relationships in order to uplift the Kingdom and spread the gospel. Many Christians like to hold on to their pocket checklist and make sure that they do their good deed for the day, but don’t care about the souls around them. This was the inspiration for the challenge iCare.

iCare is all about truly showing people that you care. In case you missed it, this week, we want you to make at least three iCare packages that you can give out to people with the intent of building a relationship or at least sharing the Gospel. Our suggestion would be to make these packages small and portable. Don’t spend too much money, but spend enough to start a conversation. Assess some of the needs of people within your community and start making your iCare packages. (Btw, the Dollar Store is a great place to start if your cash flow ain’t lookin quite right–You’ll thank us later!)

Our goal with iCare was to make sure that we were being intentional in our relationships and also following one simple (but yet complex) command of loving others as we have been loved by God (John 13:34).

It’s not enough to just say hello every once in awhile. It’s not enough for us to just flash a smile and continue about our day. Instead, when we take John 13:34 to heart, we start to realize how much God has truly loved us! What did He do for you today and how can you show that same amount of love to someone else? If God yearns for a relationship with us, shouldn’t we in turn yearn for a relationship with His people, His children? Shouldn’t we be just as intentional as He is with us?

You know, it’s funny…we say that we want to be more like Jesus, but when the time comes to put in the work, we choose to take the easy road. Let’s not be like those who deserted Jesus (John 6: 60-70). Instead let’s be like the 12 who worked each day to do God’s Will. Yes, you may fail sometimes, but the thing is that God is going to equip you to do what He has asked you to do.

Think about it! What has God done in your life recently that you can share with others? Where has He placed you so that you may reach out to others and share the Good News? Either way, we wanted to make it pretty easy for you, which is why we chose to do the iCare packages.

Let us know how this challenge has affected you! Were you able to accomplish it? Take a pic of your care package and share it on social media with the hashtag #BlackJackChallenge. Don’t forget to invite your friends to do the same. Let’s change the name of the game and infiltrate our culture with the love of Christ! Are you ready? Cuz it’s your turn!

Make Your Move