Bringing Hope to the Next Generation
Join us as we help to make a difference in the lives of the children in our community!
We at Bridging the Gap Urban Ministries, Inc. are very excited for the opportunity to help local students find success in school. Our Back-to-School initiative works to donate school supplies to families in need within the Lynchburg community. We take pride in assisting young, underprivileged children who have the most potential to succeed, if only given the chance. Our goal, through this initiative, is to collect a variety of school supplies to assist children and families in need. In order for this to succeed, we need YOUR help!
As many of us know, there are a lot of families that live under the poverty line—not only in Lynchburg, Virginia, but throughout the country and the world. Our goal is to be the hands and feet of Jesus by asking you to come alongside of us and help collect school supplies for these families. Whether you and your church, or you and your friends, would like to get involved, our hope is that when you go to the store you will consider picking up a few extra items for those in need. In order to get your physical donations to us, please contact the BTGUM phone number (434-515-2824) or email Carlyoone Canaday at c.canaday@btgum.com.
We will also be collecting monetary donations through our website as well as by mail. All checks can be made payable to BTGUM and will need to be mailed to our P.O Box. Please just make sure you specify in the “For” line that this is for the Back to School Drive. These monetary donations will be used to purchase school supplies for children in designated areas of the Greater Lynchburg area.
How You Can Get Involved In Your Communities
So, you don’t live in Lynchburg? No problem! Regardless of where you are located, you can help children in your community have a successful school year. Challenge yourself, your friends and even your family to assist you to bring hope to those families who have a hard time supplying their children with items needed for school! If you aren’t sure what items to get, try visiting the website of a local school, find the school list for the upcoming year and choose what items you want to help supply. You can also reach out to a local school and see if they can help get school supplies to children in need.
Together we can make a difference across this nation. We want to hear about how you are helping to make a change in your community, so make sure you share your story with us whether through email or social media using the hashtag #BTGBacktoSchool!
What We’re Collecting
• Looseleaf Paper (Wide & College Rule)
• Single-Subject Notebooks
• Pencils & Erasers
• Two-Pocket Folders
• Colored Pencils
• Index Cards